To send your financial support to New Life Restoration Ministries int’l based in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.

Kindly write a cheque to New Life Restoration Foundation US, then mail it out to: 1144 Sewanee Road, Nashville, TN. 37220 -1045 to the attention of Jay Siegrist . After the cheque has cleared, the whole amount is immediately forwarded to NLRM’s bank account in Nairobi, Kenya for withdrawal.

**For further details , kindly contact us on email address: newlifefoundationus@gmail.com




To send your financial support to New Life Restoration Ministries int’l based in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.

Kindly write a cheque to Jubilee Community Church with NLRM written on the memo/for section at the bottom left hand corner of the cheque and then mail it out to: 3180 GA Hwy 188, Ochlocknee, GA. 31773 to the attention of Michelle Young. After the cheque has cleared, the whole amount is immediately forwarded to NLRM’s bank account in Nairobi, Kenya for withdrawal.

**For further details , kindly contact Michelle Young on email address: micheyou1964@yahoo.com





You can also click the links below to support us through PAYPAL





NLRM’s bank account details in Nairobi

Bank name: Cooperative Bank of Kenya

Account # : 02128006441100

A/C name : New Life Restoration Ministries

Bank branch name: Nairobi Business Centre

Branch Code : 000000011051

Account Location : Nairobi

Swift Code : KCOOKENA

For more information or inquiries, please contact us:

  • Phone: +254 722 361 138 | +254 722 385 297 | +254 720 339 321
  • Email: info@nlrministries.com | paulmbithi@mwonga.co.ke | springs of lifechildren@gmail.com